On June 15, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm, the Four-Seasons Arts Centre hosted an outdoor activity at Phyllis Rawlinson Park. it was a gorgeous early summer day. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was blue, and there was a warm gentle breeze. After Professor Dong Hegang led us to practice our voices, members presented various songs and poems in the form of small groups and solo singings. The beautiful music also attracted visitors to came by  and watched our performance. It brought a lot fun and happiness to everyone.

Everyone brought homemade delicacies. The long table is filled with a variety of food with southern and northern flavors. We chatted while eating, exchanged singing experiences and hobbies, enhanced understanding and deepened friendship. Dr. Xie Jun captured the most beautiful moments for the event. Everyone is looking forward to celebrate again when maple leaves turn red.

2024 615日上午10点到下午2点,多伦多四季艺术中心在Phyllis Rawlinson Park 公园举行户外音乐交流活动。阳光明媚,蓝天白云,微风习习。董禾刚教授带领大家 练声后,歌友们以小组合和独唱的形式献上各类歌曲和诗朗诵。歌声在蓝天下伴随白云飘绕, 也吸引来公园里的游客们,给大家的生活带来一份欢乐和感动

团员们带来自制的美味佳肴。摆满长桌的各类食物有南方特色及北方风味,琳琅满目。团员们边吃边聊,交流唱歌心得和兴趣爱好,增进了解,加深了友情。 谢骏博士为此次活动拍下最美瞬间.大家期待枫叶正红时再相聚!

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